Thursday, September 12, 2024

Twitter Takeover (NCHC Media Day): Omaha Captain Nolan Krenzen

As part of the 2024 NCHC Media Day, representatives from each team are doing a “Twitter takeover” on the NCHC account, answering questions submitted by fans.

Here is the #NCHCAskNolan questions and answers from Sept. 12, 2024:

Q: What team are you most excited to travel to this season?:

A: We have many places I am excited to go to this year. If I had to pick one, I would have to say the Las Vegas tournament to start off the season

Q: Best memory from last season? 

A: The season ending series against North Dakota and our first visit to the Frozen Faceoff the week after were easily the best memories from last season!


Q: Any pregame superstitions?

A: I have the exact same routine from the moment I step foot in the rink before a game. This usually includes the same warmup routine and always putting the right side of my gear on first.


Q: Yoga or jogging?

A: The years of hockey have not been nice to my hips so I would have to say yoga would be my best bet!


Q: What series are you most looking forward to this season?

A: The series against North Dakota is always a great one for our team. Other than that, I am very excited for the trips we have to Las Vegas and Palm Springs!



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